Once again, Circa Noturna http://circanocturna.com/ has been deployed to the alt fashion world. I helped with the 5 person org team to get this one up.... it wasn't easy, first time I have done it with a baby.
After 7 years, this is our last Circa at this size, we plan to make more regular CN events, at a smaller, boutique level.
Here are some pics from our Official Photographer, Mark Boyle, who does some great work. Lots of Circa Nocturna pics on the web, just do a Google search. We were very happy with the size, two shows of about 300 people each, so quite chuffed. Still didn't make that much money though.... too many cost blowouts.
If you are an alt fashion designer anywhere in the world, and would like to consider being in the show, give us a hoy!
Now, on to the pics.....
Ooooh - all pics copyright (c) Mark Boyle
Great fashion! Have to check out that link.
Great fashion! Have to check out that link.
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