The Alternative Modelling Agency are a relativelynew modelling agency, doing some kickarse work with alternative types for promotions. They have some *Amazing* people on their books, a few friends of mine. In the past some agencies have been a bit dodge with how they treat their models, so its good to know that there is a good agency out there who has the complete interest of the models at heart. One of the two co-directers is gothy, so she can talk the talk and knows the alternative community as well.
They recently had an article written on them in the Age, so some nice publicity.
Well done guys!
Website -
Hm hm.. that's interessting but honestly i have a hard time seeing it... wonder how others think about this..
Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.
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